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Guides are horizontal or vertical lines that you can add to your canvases to help you to position items precisely. Guides can be placed anywhere on your canvas – even outside of your working area. Guides won't appear in your finished animations, but they will be saved with your documents. Each canvas has its own set of guides.

If you imagine guides are made of metal, handles act like magnets around guides, snapping onto them when they get close enough. This means that, using guides, it is easy to ensure handles are in particular places.

Position handles, vertex handles, tangent handles, radius handles, width handles and angle handles can all snap onto guides. This means that you can use guides to accurately position anything and everything in Synfig Studio.


Guides look like this in the canvas window:


As you can see above, they appear as blue dashed lines that extend across your working area to the edges of the canvas window. A guide that is being positioned on the canvas will appear as a red dashed line instead of a blue dashed line. File:Doc Guide LightSpots.sifz

Adding guides to your canvases

There are three ways to add guides to your canvases. You can drag them from the canvas window rulers, you can click on the canvas window rulers or you can add guides using the Canvas MetaData Panel.

Dragging from the Canvas Window Rulers

You can add a horizontal guide by moving your mouse over the horizontal ruler at the top of the canvas window, holding down the left mouse button and then dragging your mouse downwards. To show you that you are positioning the guide, it will appear as a red dashed line. When you release the left mouse button the guide will be placed on your canvas and the red dashed line will become blue.

You can add a vertical guide by moving your mouse over the vertical ruler at the left of the canvas window, holding down the left mouse button and then dragging your mouse to the right. To show you that you are positioning the guide, it will appear as a red dashed line. When you release the left mouse button the guide will be placed on your canvas and the red dashed line will become blue.

Clicking on the Canvas Window Rulers

Each time you click on the horizontal ruler at the top of the canvas window, a horizontal guide will be added at the horizontal centre of your canvas. Each time you click on the vertical ruler at the left of the canvas window, a vertical guide will be added at the vertical centre of your canvas.

In Synfig Studio more than one guide can share the same position, so by repeatedly clicking on a ruler you will end up with a stack of guides in the same position.

You can use the left, right or middle mouse button to click on the rulers.

Using the Canvas MetaData Panel

Advanced users may sometimes want to add guides using the Canvas MetaData Panel. The Meta Data Panel stores its data in Synfig's internal units, not in pixels, points, etc.

To show you how this works, we'll open a new file and add a vertical guide to the centre of the canvas.

  1. Select "File → New" or press CtrlN to open a new file.
  2. Select the Meta Data Panel in the Parameters, Library, Keyframes, Timetrack, Graphs, Canvas MetaData window.
  3. Click the "Add new MetaData entry" icon (the one that looks like this Add new metadata entry-0.63.06.png) at the bottom of the panel. A "New MetaData Entry" dialog box will appear.
  4. Type "guide_x" and click "OK" or press ↵ Enter.
  5. Double click on the Data column next to the "guide_x" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
  6. Type "0" and press ↵ Enter. A new vertical guide should appear at the centre of your canvas.

The "guide_x" Key in the Meta Data Panel stores all the vertical guides on the current canvas. It stores them as a list floating point numbers separated by spaces.

The "guide_y" key in the Meta Data Panel stores all the horizontal guides on the current canvas. It stores them as a list of floating point numbers separated by spaces.

Positioning guides precisely

The purpose of guides is to allow you place things in exact positions, so being able to position guides accurately is very important. There are two ways you can position guides using Synfig Studio. You can look at the Info Panel while you are dragging guides with the mouse, or you can use the Canvas MetaData Panel to enter guide positions directly.

Using the Info Panel

When you open or create a new file, it's possible to position guides to pixel boundaries (if pixels happen to be your currently selected unit system) by looking at the Info Panel while you drag them. Unfortunately, as soon as you have zoomed in or out of your canvas this is no longer possible. You will only see fractions of a pixel displayed in the Info Panel. However, there are various ways to fix this:

  • Click on the "Zoom to Fit" button and then click on the "Zoom to 100%" button to the left of the horizontal scroll bar in the canvas window.
  • Save your file, close it and reopen it you'll find you're able to position guides to pixel boundaries once again – until the next time you zoom in or out of your canvas.


The Info Panel is not updated when you first add guides to the canvas, but it is updated when you reposition them. We suggest that you place new guides roughly into position first, then reposition them with the help of the Info Panel to get them into exact position.
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Using the Canvas MetaData Panel

Advanced users may sometimes want to enter guide positions using the Canvas MetaData Panel. This might be simply because they find this method is quicker, or it may be because they want to place guides very accurately - for example, at fractions of a pixel.

To show you how this can be done, we'll open a new file and add a horizontal guide at 0.5 pixels above the centre of the canvas. For this example to work, you'll need to have kept the default setup values.

  1. Select "File → New" or press CtrlN to open a new file.
  2. Select the Meta Data Panel in the Parameters, Library, Keyframes, Timetrack, Graphs, Canvas MetaData window.
  3. Click the "Add new MetaData entry" icon (the one that looks like this Add new metadata entry-0.63.06.png) at the bottom of the panel. A "New MetaData Entry" dialog box will appear.
  4. Type "guide_y" and click "OK" or press ↵ Enter.
  5. Double click on the Data column next to the "guide_y" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
  6. Type "0.0083335" and press ↵ Enter. A new horizontal guide should appear at 0.5 pixels above the center of your canvas.

Removing guides from your canvases

There are two ways to permanently remove guides from your canvases. You can drag them back onto the canvas window rulers or you can remove them using the Canvas MetaData Panel.

If you only want to remove guides temporarily, you should hide them instead of removing them (see below).


Unlike in many other programs, you cannot remove guides in Synfig Studio by dragging them off of the canvas window to the right or to the bottom. You must drag guides off of the canvas window to the top or to the left (towards the rulers) to remove them.
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Dragging to the Canvas Window Rulers

In Synfig Studio, removing guides is done in the opposite way to adding them. You use the mouse to drag guides from the canvas back onto the canvas window rulers. You remove vertical guides by dragging them onto the vertical ruler at the left of the canvas window. You remove horizontal guides by dragging them onto the horizontal ruler at the top of the canvas window. If you have removed a guide successfully, the canvas window status bar will inform you "Erase canvas metadata Successful".

Using the Canvas MetaData Panel

Advanced users will sometimes want to remove guides using the Canvas MetaData Panel. For instance, if you have a lot of guides on your canvas this is the fastest method of permanently removing them all.

For instance, to remove all horizontal guides from a canvas using the Canvas MetaData Panel you would:

  1. Select the Meta Data Panel in the Parameters, Library, Keyframes, Timetrack, Graphs, Canvas MetaData window.
  2. Select the row with the "guide_y" Key.
  3. Click on the "Remove selected MetaData entry" icon (it looks like this Remove metadata entry-0.63.06.png).

To remove a particular guide from the canvas using the Canvas MetaData Panel you would:

  1. Select the Meta Data Panel in the Parameters, Library, Keyframes, Timetrack, Graphs, Canvas MetaData window.
  2. Double click on the Data column in the row for the "guide_x" or "guide_y" Key.
  3. Select and delete the required value.
  4. Press ↵ Enter.


There must be at least one value remaining in your Data column after your edit for this to work, otherwise you will get a "Edit canvas metadata: Action is not ready." error dialog and your edit will not be successful.
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Showing or hiding guides

Sometimes, particularly if you are using a lot of guides, you'll want to hide them all so you can see your artwork more clearly. There are two ways to show or hide all the guides on the current canvas in Synfig Studio. You can use the Canvas Window "View" menu or you can use the Canvas MetaData Panel.


If snapping to guides is enabled, it will still work even if the guides are hidden.
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Using the Canvas Window View menu

Go to menu in the Canvas Window (use the Canvas Menu Caret button in the upper left corner) and select "View → Show Guides".

Using the Canvas MetaData Panel

If you already have at least one guide on your canvas, you can show or hide guides using the Canvas MetaData Panel.

  1. Select the Meta Data Panel in the Parameters, Library, Keyframes, Timetrack, Graphs, Canvas MetaData window.
  2. Double click on the Data column next to the "guide_show" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
  3. Type "0" to hide guides or "1" to show guides and press ↵ Enter.

The "guide_show" Key in the Meta Data Panel stores whether guides are visible or not. It stores "0" if guides are hidden or "1" if guides are visible.


As well as "0" or "1", you can also enter "true" or "false" (without quotes) to enable or disable boolean values in the Canvas MetaData Panel.
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Changing the color of the guides

The default guide color in Synfig Studio is blue. This may not be a useful color for your work, but fortunately you can change this color.

You can adjust the color of the guides on the current canvas using the Meta Data Panel.

To adjust the color of the guides on a canvas :

  1. Select the Meta Data Panel.
  2. Double click on the Data column next to the "guides_color" Key in the Meta Data Panel. This will allow you to enter values.
  3. Enter the red channel guide color has float value between 0 and 1 included.
  4. Add a space after this number
  5. Enter the green channel guide color has float value between 0 and 1 included.
  6. Add a space after this number
  7. Enter the blue channel guide color has float value between 0 and 1 included.
  8. Press ↵ Enter.


Guides do not do anything until snapping to guides is enabled. There are two ways to enable snapping to guides. The first is using the Canvas Window "View" menu. The second is using the Canvas MetaData Panel.

Once snapping is enabled, when you move a handle close to a guide it will "snap" onto it, in much the same way as a magnet will snap onto a piece of metal. Once a handle has snapped to a guide you will find it takes a stronger than normal movement to detach it from the guide, again as if you were pulling a magnet off of something metallic.

Having handles snapping to guides is usually very useful, but sometimes it can be very annoying! Fortunately you can easily turn snapping to guides off.


Although handles snap to guides, in Synfig Studio guides will not snap to handles.
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Using the Canvas Window View menu

Go to menu in the Canvas Window (use the Canvas Menu Caret button in the upper left corner) and select "View → Snap to Guides".

Using the Canvas MetaData Panel

If you already have at least one guide on your canvas, you can enable or disable snapping to guides using the Canvas MetaData Panel.

  1. Select the Meta Data Panel in the Parameters, Library, Keyframes, Timetrack, Graphs, Canvas MetaData window.
  2. Double click on the Data column next to the "guide_snap" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
  3. Type "1" to enable snapping to guides or "0" to disable snapping to guides and press ↵ Enter.

The "guide_snap" Key in the Meta Data Panel stores whether snapping to guides is enabled or not. It stores "0" if snapping to guides is disabled or "1" if snapping to guides is enabled.

Copying Guides from one canvas to another

When you export the canvas parameter of a Group layer you'll find the exported canvas has no guides – but sometimes you would like it to have the same guides as its parent canvas. Or you may want to use the guides you added to a canvas in another file. You can solve this kind of problem easily using the Canvas MetaData Panel.

As an example, here's how you would copy vertical guides to another canvas that has no guides:

  1. Open the canvas window of the canvas that has the guides you want to copy.
  2. Select the Meta Data Panel in the Parameters, Library, Keyframes, Timetrack, Graphs, Canvas MetaData window.
  3. Select the "guide_x" row.
  4. Click on the Data column next to the "guide_x" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel.
  5. Press CtrlC or right-click on the highlighted numbers and select "Copy".
  6. Open the canvas window of the canvas you want to copy the guides into.
  7. Select the Meta Data Panel in the Parameters, Library, Keyframes, Timetrack, Graphs, Canvas MetaData window.
  8. Click the "Add new MetaData entry" icon (the one that looks like this Add new metadata entry-0.63.06.png) at the bottom of the panel. A "New MetaData Entry" dialog box will appear.
  9. Type "guide_x" and click "OK" or press ↵ Enter.
  10. Double click on the Data column next to the "guide_x" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
  11. Press CtrlV or right-click on the highlighted area and select "Paste"
  12. Press ↵ Enter.

To copy the horizontal guides you would perform the procedure above for the "guide_y" Key instead of the "guide_x" Key.


You must ensure the Data column for the "guide_x" or "guide_y" rows is selected before you try and copy or paste guide values in the Canvas MetaData Panel. If you don't, you may find you are copying or pasting layers instead of guide values.
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