Talk:Tracking Curves

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Revision as of 15:14, 21 September 2007 by Genete (Talk | contribs) (Question about tracking a general curve)

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Cool! can you please post the sif file? That's fantastic doouglus! --Genete 09:00, 20 Sep 2007 (EDT)

OK the "more" link at youtube was not working this morning. Thanks! --Genete 10:28, 20 Sep 2007 (EDT)

Dooglus worte: Note that while it's possible to make a layer track a curve with just 2 points, there's no way of getting it to track a general curve (other than explicity saying "from 0s to 1s track from vertex0 to vertex1; from 1s to 2s track from vertex1 to vertex2; ..." which is possible, but tedious. If Synfig offered conversion types called "BLine Vertex" and "BLine Tangent" then tracking a general BLine would be much easier.

Can you explain how to achieve different traks of exported ValueNodes at differents frames? I believed that the Connect command connects a exported value with a ValueNode for all the frames and that is not possible to do it only for certain frames. --Genete 08:14, 21 September 2007 (EDT)