Switching Scenes

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Sa presupunem ca am realizat cateva scene diferite in fisiere .sif separate si ca dorim sa le editam impreuna.

Desigur, puteti randa fiecare fisier .sif intr-un fisier video separat si sa folositi o aplicatie pentru editare - video editing pentru a le edita pe toate. Dar daca doriti ca sa folositi Synfig pentru editare?

In acest exemplu vom edita impreuna 3 fisiere .sif realizate de Zelig:

Creati un document nou in Synfig si setati timpul la 47 secunde (3 secunde pentru scena 1 + 28 secunde pentru scena 2 + 6 secunde pentru scena 3 + 5 secunde pentru deschiderea si inchiderea titlurilor).

Folosind Caret>File>Import, importati deodata toate cele trei scene.

Selectati fiecare scena in parte in fereastra de dialog pentru straturi si exportati spatiul de lucru al fiecareia in fereastra de dialog pentru parametri cu click-dreapta pe parametrul Spatiul de lucru si selectand Export/ro din meniul contextual. Apelati spatiile de lucru exportate "scene1", "scene2" si "scene3". Acum puteti sterge cele trei straturi encapsulate din document, pentru ca deocamdata nu aveti nevoie de ele. Nota: Meniul contextual Export nu este valabil pentru fisierele importate in versiunile recente datorita unei erori care a fost ulterior rezolvata. Fisierele externe pot fi referentiate folosind nomenclatura parametrului pentru spatiul de lucru - canvas, deci nu este necesara sa fie exportat.

Nu avem titluri deschise sau inchise, deci va trebui sa facem acest lucru. Realizati un strat nou de tip text: Caret > Layer > New Layer > Text si editati parametrul Text cu ceva care corespunzator deschiderii titlurilor.

Encapsulati stratul Text si exportati parametrul spatiului de lucru pentru stratul encapsulat. Denumiti-l 'titles'.

Deschideti modul de editare pentru animatie - Animate Editing Mode si creati o cheie-cadrul la cadrul 0, care sa aiba interpolarea implicita de tip "Constant". O puteti gasi in fereastra principala 'toolbox', in partea de jos. Implicit are valoarea TCB, dar in acest caz nu dorim ca editarea sa aiba loc exact cand specificam acest lucru pentru ca ne asumam riscul ca valorile TCB sa le 'modifice la valori mai line'.

In fereastra de dialog se observa ca nu am pus un fundal in spatele textului. In fereastra de dialog Canvas Browser Panel, expandati structura arborescenta si dati dublu-click pe 'titles' pentru a deschide sub-stratul cu titluri intr-o fereastra noua. Aici putem modifica parametrii acestuia. Adaugati un strat nou cu culoare de tip Solid Color, alegeti culoarea alba, si asezati acest strat sub stratul Text. Apoi inchideti fereastra sub-spatiului de lucru.

Dorim ca prima scena sa fie afisata dupa 5s. Mutati cursorul pentru timp la 5s, asigurati-va ca este selectata zona de lucru principala, selectati doat stratul acesteia, [titles] si editati parametrul Canvas ca sa fie prima scena. Meniul afiseaza titlurile scenei. Titlul primei scene este "Sy'n'Fig say hi".

Daca dorim sa vedem animatia, vom vedea cadrul pentru titlul pentru 5 secunde, apoi se va afisa prima scena. Dar prima scena s-a terminat deja - ...........they've already done their wave. We need to delay the first scene by 5 seconds, so it only starts to play when it's displayed. With the time slider at 5s, edit our only layer's "Time Offset' parameter to be -5s. Now when we preview the animation, we see the static title frame for 5 seconds, and then the scene 1 plays until 8s.

Move the time slider to 8s and edit the Canvas Parameter to select the 2nd scene. Again we'll need to delay the start of this scene, so set the "Time Offset" to -8s.

Now we want to cut scene 3 into the middle of scene 2. Playing with the time slider in the main workarea, we see that we want scene 3 to be cut in at around the 23s mark (15 seconds into scene 2, which started at 8s). Adjust the time slider to 23s and switch the canvas to scene 3. Adjust the Time Offset parameter to -23, so that scene 3 starts when we switch to it.

Scene 3 lasts for 6 seconds, so fast-forward to 29s and switch back to scene 2. We'll need to edit the Time Offset parameter there to make up for the 6 seconds that scene 3 played for. Previously, scene 2 was delayed by 8 seconds, so now it will be delayed a further 6 seconds, making a total of 14s. Change the Time Offset parameter to -14.

Scene 3 will end at 5+3+28+6 = 42s, so move the time pointer there, and switch back to the titles canvas. Change the Time Offset to 0.

Open the Canvas Browser Panel, double-click the titles canvas, move the time slider to 42s and edit the titles text to show the closing credits. Note that the titles are in a separate canvas from everything else, and so have their own set of keyframes. Currently they have no keyframes, so if we edit the title text, it will change for all time. To prevent this, make a keyframe at frame 0. Note also that Animate Editing Mode is a per-canvas setting. It's on in the main workarea, but off in the sub-canvases, so you'll need to enable it here before editing the titles.

Close the titles sub-canvas and we're done.

I ended up with this file: Media:Sy-n-fig-mixed.sifz

Note that using the 'Canvas' parameter to switch scenes will always cause an instant switch. If you want to fade from scene to scene, you can use 2 different layers, fading one out while the other fades in. Animate the Paste Canvas's "Amount" parameter from 1 down to 0 to fade the scene out.

Note also that we end up with a single huge file which includes copies of the three imported canvases. If we wanted to end up with a small file which referenced the imported files rather than copying them, then we could encapsulate the imported layers and export the new encapsulated layers. I think that would leave the imported layers as file references. Please try it and update this tutorial with your findings... Also, if we went that route, we could give each scene its own Time Offset value, and not have to keep messing with the Time Offset in the master canvas.

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