Style And Syntax

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Before you start editing pages in this wiki, you should be aware about some improvements we made to original MediWiki to provide extra features.

Page head

At the top of each page there is a special section where additional page information is stored. That's how it may look like:

<!-- Page info -->
{{Title|Getting Started}}
{{Category|Tutorials Basic}}
<!-- Page info end -->

Please take your time to fill that section properly, otherwise some things may not work as expected. There are only few tags allowed here.

Title tag

That tag is mandatory and used to specify title for a page. It main purpose to provide proper title for translated pages. Please set the page title even if it s the same as the page name. That will make sure that translators will not forget to set this tag at the translation time,

Category tag

You can specify categories page belongs to using "Category" tag, like this:

Consider the fact that this syntax statement differs from usual MediaWiki syntax. In ordinary MediaWiki setup category is specified with [[Category:MyCategory]] statement and you are forced to use [[:Category:MyCategory]] syntax if you want a link to category. That approach is replaced by more logical for our taste, where all links are defined by L tag (see below) and categories set with Category tag.

Navigation tag

Navigation tag is optional. It's used when you want to link a set of pages into a sequence, like Manual pages. The syntax is:
{{Navigation|Parent Page|Next Page}}

Notice, you don't need to specify previous page, because it's determined automatically from the data in navigation tags of other pages.


The rule is simple: just use {{l| ... }} instead of [[ ... ]] EVERYWHERE.

TODO: table here

Menu entries


Useful templates
