From Synfig Studio :: Documentation
Revision as of 18:15, 20 March 2007 by PaulWise (Talk | contribs) (add pkg-config hint)

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Many issues are documented in the bug tracker and on the download page.

  • Missing icons? synfig/studio doesn't render anything? You probably compiled synfig with g++ 4.1 using optimisation level 2 or higher. g++ has a bug that prevents synfig from compositing the images properly. Please recompile synfig using ./configure --enable-optimisation=0 or disable optimisation and then rebuild the the synfigstudio images. The binary packages for some GNU/Linux distributions are affected by this. Bug #1509627
  • Why doesn't dyloxin talk on the synfig irc channel? dyloxin is a bot that stores the synfig irc logs, not a human. It has no commands, so you won't get any response out of it either.
  • I have a wierd problem building from src, whats up? Your copy of pkg-config probably doesn't look in the right places for .pc files. If you are installing to /usr/local, try running "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" before building or installing anything.

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English • español • français