Draw Tool

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Revision as of 01:23, 8 September 2009 by Zelgadis (Talk | contribs) (Text replace - '[[' to '{{l|')

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{{l|Image:Draw_icon.png|64px]] ALT-D

The draw tool is the one that most artists will be familiar with. This tool is best used with a drawing tablet, although it can be used with a mouse.

The draw tool generates either a region, or a {{l|BLine]] {{l|Outline Layer]] with pressure output from the tablet mapped to the line's width.


Pressure Width
Whether or not to scale the width based on the pressure input. If this is unchecked, the layer will be drawn at the width indicated in the {{l|New Layer Defaults]] section of the {{l|Toolbox]]
Auto Loop
When the stroke of the draw tool ends near the beginning of the stroke, automatically connect the last duck to the first.
Auto Connect (not in svn)
When the stroke begins and/or ends at or near an endpoint duck of another {{l|Outline Layer|outline]], the resulting {{l|Outline Layer|outline]] is simply appended to the existing {{l|Outline Layer]]
When the stroke begins and/or ends at or near a vertex duck in the middle of another {{l|Outline Layer|outline]], the first and/or last vertex of the resulting {{l|Outline Layer|outline]] is {{l|Linking|linked]] to the duck on the existing {{l|Outline Layer]].
Auto Extend (only in svn)
When the stroke begins and/or end at or near an endpoint duck of another {{l|Outline Layer|outline]], the resulting {{l|Outline Layer|outline]] is simply appended to the existing {{l|Outline Layer]]
Auto Link (only svn)
When the stroke begins and/or ends at or near a vertex duck in another {{l|Outline Layer|outline]], and the outline isn't being extended by the Auto Extend option above, the first and/or last vertex of the resulting {{l|Outline Layer|outline]] is {{l|Linking|linked]] to the duck on the existing {{l|Outline Layer]].
Create Region Only
Rather than creating an {{l|Outline Layer]], the tool discards pressure information, and creates a {{l|Region Layer]] instead.
Min Pressure
The value of this option clamps the lower end of the Pressure sensitivity to a specific value, essentially determining how thin the thinnest possible segment is relative to the {{l|New Layer Defaults#Brush Size|Brush Size]] parameter in the {{l|Toolbox]].
(revise me) Seems to have something to do with setting the {{l|Feather Parameter]] on the layer, but there doesn't seem to be a clear translation between the setting of this control, and the resulting parameters.
This affects whether the Smooth option is in world coordinates or not. But I'm not sure what it measures when this is turned on.
Determines how much tablet jitter is removed, and as a result, how many vertices the resulting splines are composed of.


Fill Last Stroke
Currently creates a {{l|Region Layer]], causes some errors, and then deletes the {{l|Region Layer|region layer]] again.

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