Dev:PCLinuxOS build instructions

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{{l|Build Instructions]] > PCLinuxOS build instructions

Normal installation

NOTE: This program is available in the repository. So don't bother installing from source if you don't need to.

apt-get install synfigstudio synfig


These instructions were tested and work on PCLinuxOS 2007, updated January 30 2009 after the large repository update.

Note: In this installation, a lot of other software was built from source. If you notice that one of the ./configure attempts requires another dependency, check for that program in synaptic (or its -devel equivalent). It will be there.

You can also grab synfig from SVN. Please note that the synfig team is trying git out, so these instructions may change. See {{l|build instructions]].

svn co etl
svn co synfig-core
svn co synfig-studio

The instructions

{{l|apt-get]] install autoconf libxml++2.6_2-devel libsigc++2.0_0-devel libltdl3-devel libtool cvs gettext-devel libgtkmm2.4_1-devel

mkdir synfig-stuff
cd synfig-stuff
# note: the download URLs will eventually go out of date.
tar -xvvzf ETL-0.04.12.tar.gz
tar -xvvzf synfig-0.61.09.tar.gz
tar -xvvzf synfigstudio-0.61.09.tar.gz
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

cd ETL-0.04.12
autoreconf --install --force
make install
cd ..

cd synfig-0.61.09
libtoolize --ltdl --copy --force
autoreconf --install --force
make install
cd ..

cd synfigstudio-0.61.09
autoreconf --install --force
make install
cd ..
cd ..

Issues on PCLinuxOS

If you have problems building on PCLinuxOS. First you should ask on The PCLinuxOS official forum in the software forum.

Please remember to search before asking questions.

Alternately, the Synfig team and users can be {{l|contact]]ed.