Edit Menu

From Synfig Studio :: Documentation
Revision as of 10:25, 30 September 2016 by D.j.a.y (Talk | contribs) (title)

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MainMenu Edit.png

The Edit menu has the following options:

  • Undo

Undo - Undo the last thing (action) you did (CtrlZ). Mainly all actions are undo-able.

  • Redo

Redo - Undo the last thing you undid (CtrlR)

  • Cut

Cut - Cuts (copy and delete) the selection (CtrlX)

  • Copy

Copy - Copy the selection (CtrlC)

  • Paste

Paste - Paste the selection (CtrlV)

All of these actions are global. They not only work on the Canvas, but also in the Layers Palette, Parameters Palette, etc...

  • Select all layers

Select all layers - (Ctrl⇧ ShiftA) - selects all layers

  • Deselect all layers

Deselect all layers - (Ctrl⇧ ShiftD) - deselects any selected layer(s)

  • Select all handles

Select all handles - (CtrlA) - selects all of the handles on the selected layer(s)

  • Deselect all handles

Deselect all handles - (CtrlD) - deselects all of the handles on the selected layer(s)

  • Input Devices

Input Devices - Open the Input Devices dialog that allows the user to setup custom values related to the input devices, generally the mouse but also for graphical tablets and other pointer systems.

  • Preferences

Preferences - Open the Preferences dialog that allows to set certain properties and preferences that are globally adopted by the application and used by all the Documents opened or to be opened.

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